Join the Next Round of TOPX Inner Circles in September 2024 & Make Your Career Tick with a TIC!

We believe that together, we are stronger, and TIC offers a multitude of benefits that will enrich your professional journey.

The pilot year of our TOPX Inner Circles (TIC) was a resounding success, showing us the tremendous value of Inner Circles. After this successful first year, we are excited to announce the second round of TIC will start in September 2024. If you are interested in engaging in meaningful conversations and building a strong network of support, then become a full TOPX member and be part of this exclusive peer network designed to propel your career in the Life Sciences & Health industry.



Our TOPX Inner Circles group leads & members have reported positive experiences, valuable takeaways, and meaningful relationships that have empowered their personal and professional growth. We asked them what they think of this pilot year and why should others join:

If you want to be part of a group of peer women, often likeminded but still with different experiences, to support your career path by providing a listening ear, a shoulder, good tips, a good laugh and a network. 

TIC has helped me already to solve some of the problems I encountered at work and is a valuable part of enhancing my career. We are learning from each other and having lots of fun too!

What is TOPX Inner Circles?

  • TOPX Inner Circles (TIC) are peer groups & circles of trust where you can collaborate, support each other, and propel your careers to new heights in the Life Sciences & Health industry. Designed to provide a supportive environment, TIC enables members to share experiences, gain insights, and grow professionally. Through regular online or in-person meetings, group members engage in meaningful discussions, receive peer support, and build lasting professional relationships. By joining TIC, you become part of a dedicated network committed to empowering women in their careers and fostering personal and professional development.

Why should you join?

  • Support and Encouragement: TIC provides a safe space where you can connect with like-minded women who understand the challenges and aspirations specific to the Life Sciences & Health sector. By joining a TIC peer group, you will gain invaluable support, encouragement, and a sounding board for your ideas and goals.
  • Learning and Development: TIC is all about knowledge-sharing and peer-to-peer learning. Engage in meaningful conversations, exchange insights, best practices, and industry trends with your peers. By tapping into the collective wisdom of the group, you will expand your knowledge and enhance your professional skills.

  • Networking and Collaboration: Building a strong network is crucial for professional growth. TIC provides an excellent platform to establish meaningful connections within the TOPX Network. Collaborate on projects, explore new opportunities, and broaden your horizons through the diverse backgrounds and expertise of your fellow TIC members.
  • Career Advancement: TIC is designed to help you achieve your career goals. By participating in peer groups, you can receive guidance, mentorship, and constructive feedback from your peers. Together, we can navigate career challenges, unlock new possibilities, and accelerate our individual and collective success.

I would highly recommend others to join; it is a very safe and pleasant way to discuss career and personal life in a structured way and learn from each other.

I really think the TIC fills the gap between friends and colleagues about topics rarely discussed in the other settings.

The TIC is a place where members can engage in: 


We confront each other directly because we care.

Blind Spots, Hot Spots and Soft Spots

We shine a light into members' blind spots. We help members cool down their emotional hot spots and harden their soft spots.

Questioning Answers

We question answers, assumptions and beliefs which we are driving behaviours and habits from.

Processing Issues

The core purpose of the group is processing issues which the members bring - tapping into the power of the peer group context we are describing.  

Practical Details

  • The TIC will be set up for the duration of 1 year, during which the groups will have about 10 (online or in person) meetings of about 60-90 minutes.
  • The second TIC round will start in mid-September 2024.
  • The deadline for signing up for the second round of TIC is 1 September 2024.
  • The TIC consists of 4 to 8 TOPX members.· The members in a TIC are in the same career phase and/or have similar career goals and challenges.
  • The members in a TIC are ideally from different companies and organisations.
  • For Full Members of TOPX, participation in a TIC is free of charge. 
  • If you are not yet a member, you can become a TOPX member using this registration form.



Joining a TIC is only open to TOPX Full Members. You can use the below form to sign up as a Full TOPX Member. You will be notified when the registrations for the TIC second round will start. We will collect the applications before 1 September to form the groups and start the second round of TOPX Inner Circles in mid-September 2024.

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